Ferro a Vapor 2200W 220V/240V EDM

EAN: 8425998076806


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This 2400W Ferro a Vapor features a stainless-steel base, auto-cleaning and anti-calc functions, a temperature-regulating sprayer, and anti-drip system. Its functions include drying, steaming, spraying, and vertical steaming. It comes with a measuring cup and has a 12.5x22cm base and 300ml tank, and is designed for use with 220-240V EDM.

O Ferro a Vapor 2400W EDM possui base em aço inox, função Auto-Limpeza e Anti-Calcário, Pulverizador Regulador de Temperatura, Sistema Anti-Gotejo e as funções de Secar, Vaporizar, Vaporizar Verticalmente e Pulverizar. Inclui um copo de medição completo e a sua base é de 12,5x22cm, tendo um depósito de 300ml e consumo de 220-240V.

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